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Membership at ATC

Joining a synagogue is more than just becoming a member.

For some, joining a synagogue is about finding a spiritual home. For others, it's a place to engage with old friends and meet new ones. Some come to learn and explore Jewish tradition, others for simchas, and others to find support during times of sorrow.

When you break it down, the word synagogue comes from the Greek roots sun - "together", and agein - "bring". Bring together. Joining a synagogue is choosing to be an active part of a community that comes together, again and again.

Ahavath Torah Congregation is unique. Like most other synagogues in the area, we offer various membership benefits such as services, holidays, religious school, adult learning, lecture series, brother-and-sisterhood. What sets us apart is our dedication to continuously improving our community. For those that want a voice, we are a lay-led congregation that not only promotes, but encourages member-driven initiatives. This includes our family Shabbat services, community outreach programs, and our shared religious space. We welcome program suggestions, feedback, and any and all ideas.

We are grateful for your interest in Ahavath Torah Congregation (ATC), and we hope to be together many times over the coming years.


What does Membership include?

  • A synagogue family, making Jewish friends and gaining a community with which to celebrate life-cycle events.
  • High Holiday tickets for all family members at no extra cost.
  • Access to the clergy for pastoral counseling.
  • A vibrant Religious School at no extra cost. 
  • Life-long learning opportunities. 
  • A regular schedule of Shabbat and holiday services, and evening minyanim.
  • Reduced-priced tickets to community-wide events (i.e. Shabbat dinners and the community seder).
  • Discounted rates to rent ATC facilities for private events (such as wedding receptions and b'nai mitzvah parties).
  • The opportunity to be part of our ATC teams, including BrotherhoodWomen of ATC, our youth group (SAUSY).

Nothing can tell you more about a synagogue than actually visiting it, and we invite you to drop by anytime. Come to services, attend our events, enroll in a class. 

For more information on membership, email Debrah Ron, our membership chair. Call our office (781-344-8440) or email to arrange a meeting with our leadership and Rabbi.

Ready to join? Our membership application can be filled out online and emailed to Debrah Ron.

Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785